
The concept for the film “Landslide” originated during the pre-production phase of my exam film. Having prior experience in filmmaking, I always kept an eye out for locations that could serve as a backdrop for compelling stories. One place that had previously stirred my creativity was a field adorned with a towering, distant tree. This tree exuded an aura of mystery and intrigue, and it became a pivotal source of inspiration for me. I often discover the initial spark of a story within the essence of a location, and in this case, the tree not only provided a visual focal point but also served as a character in its own right. The central character, the tree, symbolizes a deeply lonely and forgotten entity, and its transformation throughout the film stands in stark contrast to the tranquil and unchanging setting where most of the action unfolds. I’ve always been drawn to the interplay between serene environments and intense emotions, as it spawns new characters and pivotal turning points in my narratives.

Working with exceptionally talented young actors was an honor. Anton Forsdik (known for HBO MAX’s “LUST”) brilliantly conveyed the film’s emotional core through his expressive face, rendering words unnecessary to understand his inner turmoil. Edvin Ryding (featured in Netflix’s “Young Royals”) and Sass Wolgers (known for “The Greedy”) portrayed the antagonists, bullying the vulnerable protagonist with great skill.

I hope “Landslide” encourages young individuals to seek support and open up about their inner conflicts rather than internalize them. This is an important theme, especially in today’s world.

My aspiration is that this movie brings about change and compels people to acknowledge the forgotten ones among us.

Idén till filmen jordskred uppkom genom processen inför manusarbetet till mitt gymnasiearbete.
Jag hade gjort film före detta och haft ett öga öppet för platser där intressanta berättelser kan
utspelas. En plats som tidigare inspirerat mig är ett fält med ett ensamt stort träd som syns från
långt håll. Trädet kändes både gåtfullt och intresseväckande. Jag finner oftast inspiration och det
första fröet till en berättelse i platser. I detta fallet gav trädet både en visuell och en
karaktärsbaserad inspirationskälla då huvudkaraktären liksom trädet är mycket ensam och söker
sig dit. Spännvidden mellan hur hans karaktärsdrag förändras drastiskt genom filmens gång
samtidigt som den plats där det mesta händer är mycket stillastående och rogivande.
Kontrasterna mellan rogivande miljöer och bombastiska känslor har alltid inspirerat mig och lett
vidare till nya karaktärer och vändpunkter i berättelsen.

AFPITCH presents a JORDSKRED production in association with HOUSE OF STARS a JULIUS WADMAN film
 sound director PER SUNDSTRÖM colorist BJÖRN FRITHIOF music by SEAN SECRET
sound designer TOVE LIDMAN made up PHILIP FORSDIK executive producer FANNY FORSDIK
sound designer NICKLAS LINDH directed by JULIUS WADMAN

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